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  • Using nematodes for webworms

    Created by Doreen Halvorsen on

    I live in northeast Florida, where the temperatures are now in the mid to upper 80s. I am having problems with webworms in my grass and understand that beneficial nematodes would help eradicate them. Given the temperatures, would your nematodes live and be effective or do they need to be applied when the temperatures are below 80?

    Thank you!

  • Author
  • #243238

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Doreen –

    Scanmask® Beneficial Nematodes are a very effective biological control for use against sod webworms. For best results, apply when young larvae are present and water the area before and after application. Nematodes do fine in higher temperatures as long as the soil doesn’t get completely dried out.

    Each box of 10 million nematodes treats between 320 and 850 square feet depending on pest and level of infestation.

    Good luck!

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