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  • insects controlled by beneficial nematodes

    Created by beck orton on

    hi – please do you have a list of the pests the beneficial nematodes prey upon?

  • Author
  • #226013

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Beck –

    Beneficial nematodes actively hunt, penetrate and destroy over 230 different pests including fleas, fungus gnats, black vine weevils and white grubs. Naturally occurring, they are not harmful to people, pets, plants or earthworms and will continue working for 18 months. I’ve included a partial list of insects controlled below. If you need advice on a particular insect pest please let me know.


    Banana Root Borers
    Black Currant Borers
    Black Vine Weevils
    Cabbage Root Maggots
    Carpenter Worms
    Codling Moth Larvae
    Corn Earworms
    Corn Rootworms
    Crane Fly Larvae
    Cucumber Beetles
    Dogwood Borers
    Fire Ants
    Flea Beetles
    Flea Larvae
    Fungus Gnats
    Gypsy Moth Larvae
    Iris Borers
    Japanese Beetle Grubs
    Mole Crickets
    Onion Maggots
    Pine Weevils
    Poplar Clearwing Borers
    Peach Tree Borers
    Raspberry Crown Borers
    Root Knot Nematodes
    Shore Flies
    Sod Webworms
    Strawberry Weevils
    Sweet Potato Weevils
    Tobacco Budworms
    White Grubs

    Hope it helps!

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