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  • Can I use alfalfa pellets in the garden?

    Created by BIG MURPH on

    I have heard that alfalfa “meal” is a great organic fertilizer. Does anyone know if alfalfa pellet feed for horses can be used for this, as no one has Alfalfa Meal to purchase, except online for too much money.

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  • #13926


    It would probably be OK, I know that Soy Bean Meal is an excellent source of Nitrogen but is only available as cattle feed, so I don't know why the Alfalfa Pellet Feed wouldn't work!


    produce guy

    I used to buy alfalfa meal at a local gardening center until a local farmer told me that it would be cheaper to buy from a co-op that sells alfalfa pellets, crush them myself with a rubber mallet inside 2 Ziploc bags and then spread them out on the compost pile and on the grass. I’ve never had a problem doing that.


    Eric Vinje

    Hi Murph –

    Alfalfa pellets are a terrific organic fertilizer. We like them better than the meal because they’re easier to spread and less dusty. Some growers prefer using alfalfa, over other nitrogen sources, because it’s plant-based, containing approximately 4-5%N. It also contains trace minerals and triacontanol, a naturally occurring plant growth promoter. As for cost, a 50 lb bag is going to set you back about $20.00.


    Hope this helps!

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