Preparation and prevention will help keep your garden from being a smorgasbord for unwanted visitors!
Insect pests and destructive wildlife can demolish a garden in no time. Find out how to use integrated pest management, natural controls and clever barriers to protect your plants!
Bed bugs are pesky and persistent little creatures that can quickly turn your peaceful haven into a nightmare. Bed bug ...
Lawn worms are typically found in the soil of lawns and feed on the roots of grass, causing damage to ...
Are you ready to learn about one of the fiercest predators in the arachnid world? Look no further than the ...
As their name suggests, sugar ants have a particular affinity for sweet substances, and their organized foraging behavior and social ...
While many commercial mosquito repellents are available, you can also use plants to keep mosquitoes away. These 14 mosquito repellent plants are not only effective at repelling mosquitoes, but they are also beautiful and fragrant. They can add a touch of beauty and elegance to your garden and help keep you safe from mosquitoes.
Tarantula hawk wasps can be a scary sight for any homeowner or gardener. These wasps can grow up to two ...
Hornets and wasps are often a source of fear and concern for people. With their sharp stingers and buzzing wings, ...
Did you just find some maggots in your home or yard? Maggots can appear in different areas around your house, ...
If you've ever had to deal with a wasp infestation, you know how unpleasant and potentially dangerous it can be. Wasps ...
Paper wasps, a type of vespid wasp, have always fascinated me with their unique nest-building abilities. They gather fibers from ...
Have you ever spotted little black bugs on your plants? Black aphids seem to find a way to our plants in ...
Earwigs are common insects often associated with the long pincers at the end of their abdomens. While earwigs may look ...