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Sunshine, precipitation, heat, cold, seasonal variations, altitude; all are critical considerations when planning and maintaining a successful garden. Knowing which plants do best in your climate, which conditions encourage growth, and how drought and other weather changes can affect what and how you grow is essential to wise gardeners. We discuss the issues — from hardiness zones and frost-tolerant plants to heat and drought-resistant gardens — important to every grower.

Winter Gardening


Protecting garden soil and starting vegetable seed outdoors in the dead of winter.

Winter In the Garden


May your holiday season, like your gardening season, be joyous.

Beekeeping, Small Farming, and the Environment


Lessons from the hive about pesticides, organic practice and sustainability.

Xeric Landscapes, Works of Art


The new botanical garden located in Santa Fe, New Mexico is a combination of artful design and xeric plants.

Doin' the Pollinate Shake!


How to hand pollinate plants in the vegetable garden.

Household Chemicals and Climate News


Think the home cleaning and personal care products are safe?

Worms and Global Warming


Are earthworms contributing to climate change?

Drought and the Home Garden


Preparing for dry conditions this growing season will go along way towards reducing your losses as well as you water bill.

Cold Frame -- Hot Box


Extend your growing season by putting a layer of protection between your plants and the elements.

Playing Plant Jeopardy


Mr. Trebeck, I'll Take Frost Protection for $500.

High Altitude Gardening


How to get amazing results from a short growing season.

Seasonal Garden Care


Garden care is a year-round activity, its rhythms dictated by seasonal conditions and local climates.

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