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Garden Calendar

Each season of the year brings new tasks for the the garden.

Stay one step ahead of projects for the coming months by reviewing the expert advice in this collection of tips and time-tested wisdom. Know when to plant seeds, prune trees, turn your compost pile, put the garden to bed and more.

Fall Garden Cleanup

Common Pests

Stop next season's plant problems... now!

Sweet Season: After a Garden Frost


Which vegetables not only survive frost, but taste better after a freeze? Here's what to grow.

The Time to Mulch is Now

Compost & Soil

Learn how to apply mulch -- and what's best to use -- on your gardens and landscaped areas.

Winter Squash For the Keeping


Tips for harvesting and storing squash grown in your garden.

Fall Planting, Spring Color


Plant tulip, crocus, daffodil bulbs in autumn and have a burst of color in your landscape come spring.

Homegrown Tomato Time


Whether heirlooms or hybrids, tomatoes from your garden taste best.

Composting Big


Like it or not, here comes autumn and its bounty of leaves, garden refuse and other compostable materials.

Garden Tool: The Camera

Garden Calendar

Photos of this year's flowers and vegetables can help you plan for next season.

Late Season Garden Planting


Here's our list of the best vegetables for a fall harvest.

Plan Your Indoor Gardens Now

Garden Calendar

Follow these simple tips and you can enjoy fresh greens, herbs -- even tomatoes! -- from an indoor winter garden.

Getting Tough With Powdery Mildew

Common Pests

Organic solutions for getting rid of powdery mildew on plants.

Managing Moisture In Compost


Moisture in compost is critical and having too much or too little can slow or sour the process.

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