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  • Will worms survive low temps?

    Created by Marcia Powell on

    I am growing worms in bins in my garage. I live in Central Illinois and the Arctic winter is upon us. Can/will my worms survive low temperatures, or should I move them now into my existing big compost bin outside? Or? Or?


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  • #155063

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Marcia –

    Since worms are quite sensitive to light, noise and temperature, a corner of the basement or garage often works best for their home. They thrive at temperatures between 55°-77°F (13°-25°C) which means that most basements should fit the bill. If left outside or in a cold garage there are a few things you can do to prevent raising a bunch of worm-sicles. Mary Applehof has several good recommendations over at WormWoman.com:


    Hope this helps!

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