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  • Can I prevent winter moth damage?

    Created by Samantha Hobson on

    I have used your gypsy moth traps and lures. My large sugar maple and crabapple tree leaves are eaten away, but we didn’t see hardly any gypsy moths in the summer. I think it is winter moth that is eating the leaves. I was wondering if you sell or know about a lure for the control of winter moth?
    I live in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts
    Thank you for your help.

  • Author
  • #253093

    Eric Vinje

    Hi, Samantha,

    The best strategy to get rid of winter moth on your trees is to spray Bonide All Seasons spray to the bark and branches in the winter – this will kill any of the eggs on the trees. Then come spring, applying a band of Tanglefoot Insect Barrier will prohibit adults from climbing up the trees to lay more eggs. Finally, once you notice the caterpillars or any munched leaves, spray your trees with either Monterey Garden Insect Spray or Monterey Bt to kill the caterpillars doing the damage.

    Hope this helps!

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