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  • What are these white flies on my lawn?

    Created by Tjsmith on

    I have 2 dogs and a ton of whiteflies on my lawn. Swarms fly up when I walk across the grass. Is there a way to get rid of the white flies without harming the dogs?

  • Author
  • #279798

    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    Are you sure the white flies in your lawn are not the adult stage or moth of sod webworms? They are a small (1/2 inch long) white-brown moth with pale yellow or brown markings on their wings. They have a habit of folding their wings up closely to their bodies when at rest, and if disturbed, the moths fly in a zigzag pattern for short distances before settling again.

    Please take a look at the link I’ve provided for pest pictures, descriptions and a complete list of earth-friendly remedies.

    Hope it helps!

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