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  • What kind of bulb do I need?

    Created by Jen on

    I have a 60 watt Agrosun Dayspot. I recently pulled it out of the attic in hopes that it will help my ficus tree grow. I’ve had this tree for three years and it has not changed. I would like it fuller and healthier. I don’t have a good window for it. Will the light help? If so which is the best bulb? And one last silly question… I have nowhere to clip the light above the tree so I have it clipped to the pot facing upward is that OK?

  • Author
  • #184421

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Jen,

    A dayspot will definitely help, but depending on how long it’s been in your attic you may want to consider buying a fresh one (bulbs loose their intensity with age). To make the most of your bulb, you will want to hang it over your plant as well, the top sides of leaves are where most of the photosynthetic action occurs.

    Hope this helps!

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