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  • Veggies for Container Garden

    Created by Anonymous on

    I would like to know what vegetables grow best in containers, I already know tomatoes and peppers. What else? I would especially like to know about veggies that do well with a short growing season. Thanks!

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  • #13982


    Almost any vegetable can be adapted to growing in a pot. Vegetables that take up little space, such as carrots, radishes and lettuce, or crops that bear fruits over a long period of time, such as tomatoes and peppers, are perfect for container vegetable gardens. I have found that herbs also make excellent container gardens.
    What you can grow in a container vegetable garden is limited only by the size of the container and your imagination. You can also find information on our website containergardeningguru.com.


    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    While the crops in pots field is wide open, some vegetables are better suited to pots than others. Here are a few.

    Bush Beans
    Kale/ Spinach/ Lettuce

    I’ve also included a link to our Planting in Potst page.


    Hope it helps

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