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  • How do you water Sir Walter buffalo grass?

    Created by Chris Moon on

    We have recently had Sir Walter Buffalo turf laid. At the front of our house its taken perfectly and is lush and green. The back lawn looks terrible and died in an awful lot of places already. We are watering for the amount of time the lawn expert told us too but are unsure if perhaps we are over watering the back lawn and its dying off. Are there any turf experts out there that can offer some watering advice? Thanks so much!

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  • #267072

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Chris –

    The best way to promote a luscious, green Sir Walter lawn is to water deeply and slowly. Slow watering gives the soil a chance to absorb the moisture, and damp soil, like a damp sponge, absorbs more moisture than dry soil. Deep watering (at least six inches deep) trains your grass roots to go deep, thus making your lawn more resistant to drought. Conversely, frequent but short waterings will encourage the roots to grow close to the surface, which means your lawn will be hurting during any dry spell.

    New turf should be watered immediately after application and kept moist until the roots take hold. Don’t wait until the grass actually turns brown. Instead, watch for it to curl, or for it to hold the shape of your footprints as you walk across it. Both of these signs indicate that the grass needs water, well before it is actually stressed. You want it to be thirsty, not dehydrated.

    The timing of lawn watering will also influence how much you use. Irrigating turf midday is most wasteful, of course, since this is when temperatures and evaporation are highest, and your lawns’ ability to absorb and retain water is lowest.If you can water first thing in the morning. Watering in the evening often leaves the grass itself wet overnight, conditions that may promote mildew and the fungi that cause most turfgrass diseases.

    If your lawn has a sprinkler system, make sure it’s set for maximum efficiency. This includes proper run-settings for early or late waterings that are set to proper amounts. Make sure sprinklers heads are set to efficiently cover lawns without wasting water on sidewalks, driveways, or other areas where it’s not needed.

    Hope it helps!

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