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  • Applying AllDown Concentrate

    Created by Fred Sweitzer on

    I bought Alldown weed killer to use on the dandelions that are invading my lawn. Reading the label I am concerned that it will kill the grass as well – that it is designed for eradicating weeds from driveways and so on. Please advise. Also, is it safe to use on a windy day?

  • Author
  • #236223

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Fred –

    AllDown Organic Herbicide is a 23% vinegar-based weed and grass killer that works on contact. When applying to lawns make sure to spot treat the weeds only. Do NOT blanket spray the area as the spray will kill whatever it contacts. You will get a small ring of dead grass around the weed, but it will eventually grow back and fill in the area.

    For best results, spray on a warm sunny day when young weeds are growing more actively. Overspray or drift will injure or kill contacted vegetation, so it’s best to apply when the wind is not blowing.

    Hope it helps!

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