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  • Adding invasive plants to worm bin

    Created by mosullivan on

    I’m removing vinca (rosy periwinkle) from my garden and wondering if I can put it in my vermicompost bin? Generally with invasive plants/ weeds the recommendation is to bag it up and get it out of the garden. Will worms eat it thoroughly enough to eliminate the problem of spreading the vinca with the castings?

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  • #201186

    Eric Vinje

    Hey Mo!

    Cutting up the rosy periwinkle and moistening it will help to make the weed/ plant easier to break down. Adding shredded cardboard may also help speed the process. I would suggest adding a little to your vermicompost bin right off the bat, and seeing how the worms tolerate it. If they eat it, add some more a little at a time. As long as the Vinca is consumed, I would not be too concerned about seeds persisting in the castings.

    Happy Composting!

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