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  • Mantis have NOT hatched yet

    Created by Lydia Walsh on

    I’ve had my cases since the end of April and they have not hatched as of yet. I have them indoors in the kitchen in a I received lady bugs in.

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  • #198507

    Eric Vinje

    Hello from Planet Natural –

    Praying Mantis egg cases can take 6-8 weeks of warm temperatures, 65-75 degrees daytime, no lower than 45 degrees at night, to hatch. I show that we shipped on —- and recommend that you give them some more time. It is rare when an egg case does NOT hatch. Please be patient!

    To speed up the hatch, we recommend placing egg cases — still in the bag — on top of a refrigerator, or some place that is consistently warm, but not hot. Do not place them on a windowsill as temperatures fluctuate too much.

    Note: Tiny praying mantis nymphs will emerge through the narrow slits of the egg case. Unless you can find the small nymphs (1/8 inch), it is impossible to tell if the egg cases have actually hatched — the egg case will NOT change in appearance.

    If there’s no sign of the nymphs after 6-8 weeks, please feel free to contact us. Here is a link to our website for more information on praying mantis:https://www.planetnatural.com/product/praying-mantis-egg-cases/.



    thank you, I rec’d the email. I have them in a container that I rec’d ladybugs in. On the fridge the go !!!!!!



    Today is July 7th. They still have not hatched. I received them May 2nd. Its 90 degrees here now should I put them outside. I think it would be too hot. Thanks, Lydia


    Eric Vinje

    Hi Lydia –

    Yes, go ahead and stick them outside… they will be fine in the heat! I’m not sure why the egg cases haven’t hatched by now and have instructed our warehouse to send you out a replacement. Please keep me updated on the mantis that you have now.

    Thank you!

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