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  • Applying dormant oil to fruit trees?

    Created by karen on

    How often do I spray my peach and pear tree with the dormant oil. I was told to spray fruit trees as soon as the snow melts until the first buds start. I have sprayed them once, but do not know how often I should spray. Thank you Karen

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  • #189773

    Eric Vinje

    Karen –

    The following is from the Spray Oil product label:

    PEACHES: DELAYED DORMANT–For European Red Spider Mites, scale insects. Use 7 1/2 to 10 Tbs. per gal. of water.

    PEARS: DORMANT STAGE–For scale insects, blister mite, leaf roller, psylla (adults) Use 7 1/2 Tbs. per gal of water, apply spray on the 3rd or 4th sunny warm day in early spring before buds break and when psylla flies are swarming on the spurs.

    ALL SEASONS® HORTICULTURAL AND DORMANT SPRAY OIL may be used at the DORMANT STAGE (before buds show green tissue), GREEN TIP STAGE (when leaves of blossom buds are bursting and show about 1/8 to 1/4 inch of green color), DELAYED DORMANT STAGE (when the leaves of the blossom buds are out from 1/4 to 1/2 inch), and during the GROWING SEASON.

    Hope it helps!

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