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  • How do I get rid of moths in my lawn?

    Created by RubyDoo on

    I’ve just discovered a heavy presence of sod webworm moths in my lawn. I’ve read the info about various products to eradicate the worms but it’s not clear if these work only at the caterpillar stage. Is any one product more effective when they’ve already matured into moths?

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  • #287991

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Ruby –

    Adult sod webworm moths do not damage turf grass, they just lay more eggs. They can also have 2-3 generations per year depending on where you live, so it’s important to treat all stages of this destructive lawn pest. Bt-kurstaki and Safer® Soap are both short-lived natural pesticide that work well on the worms. Repeat at 3-5 day intervals, as needed. If a quick knock-down is necessary, consider applying a botanical insecticide to all stages of the pest. These natural pesticides have fewer harmful side effects than synthetic chemicals and break down more quickly in the environment.

    Hope it helps!

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