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  • Smart Pots Fabric Questions

    Created by Jeremy Lowney on

    I am curious about your Smart Pots. Is the fabric that they are made from organic fibers or plastic? And, How long do they last in the sun? How much for orders of 10,000 or more?

  • Author
  • #213513

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Jeremy –

    According to Smart Pot’s website, their fabric pots are “made of inert, porous, geo-textile fabric. “As opposed to a few of our competitor containers, we are BPA-free, and have no significant amount of copper or lead.”

    As for how long the pots last, Smart Pot claims that customers have reported that they are still using pots that are over 10 years old. They also claim that sun exposure, or hot and cold temperatures should not have any effect on the pots.

    Pricing will vary depending on the size and style of pots that you are looking to order but for a quantity that large, I would recommend getting in touch with the company (1-888-349-0605) for a quote, as they can probably offer you the best pricing possible.

    Hope this helps!

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