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  • Products for a Florida Veggie Garden

    Created by Eric on


    This year I am planting a few heirloom tomato and pepper plants. No plans for a large garden maybe a 5×10, mostly raised bed. As you may know, the soil here is central Florida is not of much substance. Its very sandy and devoid of any nutrients. I plan to supplement this with some off the shelf compost and decent top soil. I have browsed through all of your products and since you offer so many, I was hoping for a little direction. In the past, the heirloom tomatoes and peppers I have attempted to grow in containers and they certainly seem finicky. What handful of products are a must have in order to make my little garden the best environment for these plants? What nutrients and conditions give the biggest bang for the buck when it comes to heirloom tomatoes and peppers?


  • Author
  • #184418

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Eric,

    I would start by mixing in a descent top soil into the area, and then add a generous layer of compost. The compost will help hold moisture, and break down further to feed your plants. If you plan to garden in this area annually, I would add a layer of mulch or compost yearly.

    As for a fertilizer for tomatoes, I have two suggestions. The first is Neptune’s Fish and Seaweed, which is an organically derived fertilizer. The second, is a two part fertilizer series called Buddha Grow and Buddha Bloom. The former is used up until the plant begins to flower, then switched to the bloom.

    Good Luck!

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