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  • Sick ficus tree needs help

    Created by double duty on

    I have a Ficus tree that is over 15 years old. It is sick and needs help, but I do not know what to do. A lot of the leaves are starting to die. They start to lose color from the center of the leaf and it grows outward. The damage looks similar to the damage that has occurred in previous years from frost or cold. Can someone tell me what is causing this problem and how to stop it?

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  • #13864


    Unfortunately, this sounds like it could be anything. A bug, watering too much, too little, needs a fertilzer, a disease? I found the pest problem solver on this website to be helpful to narrow things down a bit. Then maybe repost.


    Eric Vinje

    Check out our pest problem solver here! It may lead you to the cause of your issue.


    Happy Gardening!


    Eric Vinje

    Hello again,

    If the issue isn’t a pest, it may be a nutrient deficiency. The way you describe the issue, I think the issue may be a micro nutrient deficiency of magnesium or possibly iron. Earth Juice Microblast is a product that I think may help.

    When my plants begin to have problems out of the blue, I try to think if I have changed any of the conditions recently. This can range from a change or lapse in watering, nutrient feeding, repotting, exposure to cooler temperatures, exposure to a new plant (pest transfer), or moving the plants location. If this is the case, try to baby the plant while it recovers by being diligent in watering when appropriate, and giving the plant a break from the normal feeding schedule.

    Good luck!

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