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  • Applying Semaspore in wet weather

    Created by Francis Bowman on

    We’ve been having unusual wet weather in E. Texas. I purchased Semaspore Bait last month but noticed that it was suggested not to apply when rain is expected…hence, I haven’t been able to make an application. The product is about to reach the expiration date and I wonder what I might be able to do. Would I be able to use a piece of PVC pipe to build a feeder (cut a 2 ft piece of 4inch and put the product inside and hope they find it?). I’m beginning to see some little invaders (about 1/4 inch in size) and I’d really like to get them before they get me. Last year they cleaned out everything green by the end of July. If the PVC idea isn’t workable, do you have any suggestions? Forecast is for showers (>40%) for the next 10 days. We needed the rain, but I’m going to tell the Preacher to quit prayin’ for it.
    Thanks much
    FW (wayne) Bowman

  • Author
  • #171925

    Eric Vinje

    Francis –

    We suggest not spreading the bait if rain is expected within 8 hours. However, if you have a large number of grasshoppers they will eat the bait in much less time than that. If you have a good weather window at all I suggest getting the bait out there, especially if they are still small.

    I like your feeder idea, but feel that you will be limiting the number of grasshoppers that actually find the bait. It’s a numbers game when using Semaspore Bait — the more you can infect initially the better your results will be.

    Hope this helps!

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