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  • Semaspore Bait in Veggie Garden

    Created by Judy on

    Hi. I went ahead and applied the bait to my vegetable garden, as grasshoppers are everywhere and eating everything. Afterwards I read the fine print that says “do not apply to food commodities”. Will the vegetables be safe to eat? I figured the tomoatoes are as they are above ground and can be washed. What about the carrots I would like to harvest? If the food is cooked, does that make it safe if it is not safe to eat raw?

    Looking forward to a reply. Judy

  • Author
  • #150867

    Eric Vinje

    Judy –

    Semaspore Bait is 100% organic and safe for use. Ideally, the best way to use the bait — which takes a couple of weeks to work — is spread in hatching areas to infect grasshoppers before they move into your gardens. Unfortunately, the required EPA labeling can be very intimidating and falls short when explaining how to use our product.

    Semaspore Bait contains Nosema locustae, a naturally occurring grasshopper control that is specific to grasshoppers and one species of cricket. It will NOT harm people, pets or the environment.

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