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  • How do I apply rock dust?

    Created by Wayne Irwin on

    How much Azomite rock dust or Basalt dust do I add for each tomato plant and how often? Also, how to apply? Mix with water or put it on top of ground? Should it be tilled in? How much will 50 pounds cover? I have no directions.

  • Author
  • #265185

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Wayne –

    Soil boosting rock dusts are chock-full of minerals and plant nutrients. Use them to enhance the supply of trace elements and support the biological processes required for sustainable and optimal plant growth. According to research and customer reports, you will notice larger, and better tasting yields — with evidence of improved nutritional benefits.

    Directions for Use:
    Add 1-2 cups per gallon of potting mix or broadcast 50 lbs per 1000 sq ft of garden area. When planting tomatoes (or other flowering crops), add 1 cup per hole and thoroughly mix with existing soil. During the growing season, you can side-dress crop rows or around the drip line of trees and shrubs.

    Happy gardening!

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