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  • Timing release of trichogramma wasps

    Created by Bob on

    My trichogramma wasp eggs just arrived and the weather is changing to rain for the next few days with temperatures in the 50’s and 60’s. Can I still set out the containers? Will the rain hurt the eggs? Will the low temperature affect the hatching and survival of the wasps? Thank you.

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  • #236721

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Bob –

    Trichogramma are shipped as pupae in host eggs, glued to paper strips, and arrive ready to hatch out as adult wasps. Releases should be made when moths are first present and periodically thereafter. Use 5,000 parasites (1 square) per 5,000 square feet weekly, or every other week for 3 to 6 consecutive weeks.

    Rain will not hurt the young parasites, but cooler weather will delay their hatch. Ants can be a problem as they eat the eggs. However, placing them in strategic areas should prevent this.

    Tip: Hang each square from a piece of thread, and fasten the cup they arrive in over the eggs (like a bell). This will protect the moth egg parasites from ants and help keep them dry.

    Good luck!

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