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  • Red spider mites on greenhouse cucumbers

    Created by C on

    We get spider mites every year and pyrethrum and neem oil don’t work well. Cucumbers are hard to spray because of all the leaves. I tried the fogger, but it failed too. How about your predatory mites?

  • Author
  • #174324

    Eric Vinje

    C –

    The spider mite predators work great on the two spotted spider mite. However, timing is very important. For best results, make releases at the first sign of a problem. If pest populations are high, use the least-toxic, short-lived natural pesticide — Insecticidal Soaps, Botanical Insecticides — to establish control before releasing the predators. The idea is to get ahead of the pest numbers as the predators can only eat so many per day and the pest can reproduce quickly. You may also need to follow up with a second or third release to establish control.


    Hope this helps!

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