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  • Sealing pruning cuts on roses

    Created by Tiger Lily on

    I have recently been reading up on pruning my roses and noticed that it is a good idea to seal where I make my pruning cuts. This is to help prevent disease and cane borer problems, but how and what is the best way to use?

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  • #13766

    TL, Most healthy roses will seal their own wounds within a half hour. However, if you have a borer problem you can seal them with a pruning paste (available at many garden stores). I have also used Elmer's glue, which works very well and dries clear.



    Pruning rose bushes is intimidating to many gardeners, but actually very good for the plants. Becoming an accomplished rose pruner takes time and practice, but keep in mind that it is very hard to kill a rose with bad pruning. While there is a great deal of disagreement among rose experts regarding how and when to prune roses, it is generally agreed that most mistakes will grow out very quickly and it is better to make a good effort at pruning roses than to let them grow rampant.


    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    The best time to prune a rose bush is in early spring. Begin by removing any dead, diseased or winter damaged wood, cutting it back to where it’s healthy. Make cuts at a 45° angle to prevent water from setting on the pruned area and apply Tanglefoot Pruning Sealer to the exposed surface to accelerate the healing process and protect against insects and disease.

    Hope this helps!

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