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  • Growing Prickly Pear

    Created by Anonymous on

    Have you ever grown Prickly Pear fruit? If so how do you go about doing so?

  • Author
  • #13872


    Prickly pears grow best in full sun with a well-drained sandy loam soil. Regular watering is preferred until they become fully established and drought tolerant.

    If you are growing prickly pear for the pads, feed with a high nitrogen fertilizer during the growing season (spring through fall).

    If you want more fruit and flowers, feed with a nitrogen-free fertilizer once a month, even during dormancy. Watch out for the microscopic spines when harvesting the plants. They are extremely painful and almost impossible to remove from skin.



    Thanks a lot, this should give me a good start!


    Eric Vinje


    We carry some great fertilizers that I think could help you out! A brand called Neptune’s carries some fertilizers that are gentle, yet very effective.

    Neptune’s Harvest Fish & Seaweed is a good place to start.

    Best of luck!

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