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  • Planting tulips

    Created by Teri on

    I ordered some tulip bulbs from a magazine ad, and they recommend a fertilizer of 4-10-6 combination. I am trying to find it somewhere so I can get them in the ground very soon. (In northern IL)

    Which fertilizer would you recommend.
    Veri Bloom (3-10-5)
    In Full Bloom (5-10-5)
    Dr. Earth Annual Bloom (3-7-4) or
    Dr. Earth Flower Girl (3-9-4)?

    Any help or explanation is really needed.

    Thank you very much.


  • Author
  • #299265


    Thank you for asking this! I’m in need of finding some good fertilizer too!



    Same question with Teri. Waiting somebody go in and explain

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