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  • Planting Avocado Tree

    Created by Scott Rubenstein on

    Hello! I’ve had an Avocado seed hanging in a cup of water since September. It’s growing nicely and has a really great root structure. I’ve never done anything like this before and thought it would be fun. But, I’m not sure where to go from here. I want to get some organic soil and move it outside. Can you please recommend some of your products that you think would work for what I’m doing? Thanks!

  • Author
  • #236734

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Scott!

    I’m glad to hear that your avocado is coming along well! I would suggest that you transfer it into a pot with some quality organic potting soil and mix a bit of sand in with it to give it a little extra drainage. That will help to prevent root rot which seems to be a common problem with avocado trees.

    I have also seen a few resources that suggest not to fertilize for the first year, but if you would like to give it some fertilizer before then, add a bit of Dr. Earth Fruit Tree Fertilizer if it seems to be lacking. Remember to get a good watering schedule down so as to avoid any problems and ensure that your tree will flourish.

    I hope this helps!

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