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  • Ornamental Cherry Blossom Tree

    Created by LIMONI75 on

    The leaves on my cherry tree are turning brown.


  • Author
  • #216767

    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    Leaves turning brown could be cause by a variety of issues. The most likely culprit is some sort of fungal disease, especially if the environment is damp or you live in an area with high humidity. Over-watering the cherry tree could also create a favorable environment for fungal diseases to thrive. First things first, make sure to clean up any old or decaying plant material that may be around the base of the tree. Old leaves, twigs, and other organic matter can harbor fungal diseases. Once you’ve cleaned up the area, applying a sulfur or copper based fungicide should help to combat the disease. I would recommend Bonide Garden Dust as it contains three different active ingredients to help combat disease. Thirdly, I would change up your watering regime a bit, watering your tree maybe once or twice a week. Pay attention to rainfall, and avoid watering on days that it rains. Make sure your tree roots are able to dry out, as too much water may “suffocate” or drown them. I’ve attached a link below to the garden dust product I mentioned.

    Good luck!

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