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  • Organic potted plant food – non-smelly

    Created by Elisha on

    I run a green home consultancy and have clients looking for organic fertilizer for houseplants. Do you know of any or know anyone who might know of any? They want something that is easy to use like Miracle Grow and is also non-smelly (so fish emulsion based products are basically out.)

    Also, I am wondering if this Miracle Grow product is OMRI certified or in any way actually organic:
    Miracle-Gro® Organic Choice® All Purpose Plant Food Concentrate http://www.miraclegro.com/smg/goprod/miracle-gro-organic-choice-plant-food-concentrate/prod10280006

    Thanks for any guidance!


  • Author
  • #191251

    Eric Vinje

    Elisha –

    If you are looking for something ​100% ​organic I would stay away from Miracle Gro. It is often quite salt-heavy and ​may​ burn plants if applied at improper amounts. I would highly recommend the Happy Frog All Purpose Fertilizer for the best results. It does contain fish based products, however the smell is not as pungent as liquid fish emulsion due to the fact is it in a solid (granular) form. If ​you absolutely cannot do any fish, I would recommend “Down to Earth” vegan fertilizer mix. Both can be found here!


    Hope this helps!​

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