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  • Will nematodes overwinter?

    Created by Hope Goodwin on

    I’d like to order a pack of beneficial nematodes but since I live in Kansas, how would it be best to store the packages until thaw? I understand winter weather kills them. How long do nematodes live in the ground?

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  • #211871

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Hope –

    Beneficial Nematodes have a two month shelf life if refrigerated. However, they can live in the soil, at levels high enough to control pest insects, for around 18 months. Applications can be made anytime grubs and larvae are feeding on plant roots, and when soil temperatures are above 32˚F. Killing action begins 24 hours after application.

    Nematodes can travel quite a bit vertically and should be able to survive the winter. Just make sure applications are made before the soil is frozen. Also, we stock Scanmask® year round and can ship them quickly to you, usually in 5-7 days.

    Hope this helps!

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