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  • Neem oil and Lady Bugs

    Created by Michael Aivaz on

    I am currently using “Neem Oil” twice a week and I need to know if it will affect the Lady Bugs (and their babies) or Nematodes negatively? Do I need to stop my Neem treatments? If so, how long should I wait before releasing Lady Bugs and Nematodes into my garden? Also should there be a laps of time between release of the Lady Bugs and the Nematodes? Or should one or the other be released first. Also should Lady Bugs be released on leaves and branches or on the dirt?
    Thank You Very Much For All your Help!

  • Author
  • #203367

    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    Neem insecticides/ miticides are botanical products that work on contact or by ingestion to organically control a wide range of insects both indoors and out. Neem uses multiple modes of action to combat plant pests and is NON-TOXIC to honeybees and many other beneficial insects, including ladybugs. However, ladybug larvae may not mature into adulthood after contacting this product. Spot treat problem areas to minimize harm to non-target insects. Neem oil offers an array of effects by acting as a repellent, anti-feedant and insect growth regulator (IGR).

    Repellent: Will reduces the possibility of an insect infestation.
    Anti-Feedant: Pest insects feed less or not at all.
    Insect Growth Regulator (IGR): Insects fail to develop and reproduce, eliminating populations over time, or keeping populations at reduced levels.

    Hope this helps!

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