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  • plant success granular instructions

    Created by tulay turgut genc on

    Hi –

    I purchased your plant success granular endo & ecto mycorrhizae product. I’m planting new trees to my garden. And I want to apply your product to soıl and/or roots of plants for protection. But I did not understand how can I prepare and /or use. Can you explain and how many grams of product will be mixed with how many kg of soil; or water? ı did nor understand.

    And one more thing… how many quarts or gallons do I add per tree?

    Thank you for your help.

  • Author
  • #188198

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Tulay,

    When inoculating trees, I mix the inoculate with the soil that will surround the tree. This is usually the soil dug up from the ground and/or any additional soil and compost you may be adding to the mixture. Your goal is to get the inoculate as well dispersed as possible to increase the likelihood of a mutualistic relationship forming in the rhizosphere.

    A cubic foot is length x width x height divided by 1728. I make a rough estimate of my hole and add inoculate accordingly.

    Hope this helps!

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