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  • grey white leaves on minature rose

    Created by trudy leonard on

    My minature rose was doing very well with lots of buds then started getting a grey white covering on the leaves. I used a spray on it and then pruned it real good and it started growing great with little buds. However, lately I see the leaves shrivel up and dying. What can I use to rescue it? Should I repot it and use a spray? Please advise me. I thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Trudy

  • Author
  • #182926

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Trudy,

    It sounds to me like you are fighting Powder Mildew disease. I’ve attached a link below that should help. Also, is the mini rose in the same container that you purchased it in? If so, I would replant it and consider giving it a light feeding. Have you checked for pests around the plant? Insects like spider mites can also cause the symptoms you’re describing. How is the moisture? Roses like moist soil, but not soggy.


    Best of luck!

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