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  • Mosaic Virus in Raised Bed Garden

    Created by Cindy Liu on

    I have mosaic disease on my green beans in a raised garden. Last year I had to remove the plants. Some got it but continued to grow and yield. This year I added soil to the bed, planted my beans early, and all of them look like they have it again. Besides being hit by roly-poly bugs when they were young.

    Question: Does mosaic get in the soil? So when I go to plant a second batch of beans should I remove all the soil?

  • Author
  • #240107

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Cindy –

    Mosaic virus overwinters on perennial weeds and is spread by insects that feed on them. Aphids, leafhoppers, whiteflies and cucumber beetles are common garden pests that can transmit this disease. Soil, seed, starter pots and containers can be infected and pass the virus to the plant. There are no cures for viral diseases such as mosaic once a plant is infected.

    I’ve attached a link to our page that offers proven methods for identifying and preventing mosaic virus in home and market gardens below:


    Hope it helps!

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