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  • misting and cloning

    Created by Alex Thomson on

    Hi there,

    I’m loving the look of your products. I am wanting to build a small aeroponic system. I have some questions regarding some of your products.

    1. What kind of pump is included in the Botanicare Powerclone 180 system? What PSI does it operate at?

    2. What is the droplet size produced by the EZ-CLONE 360 degree mister?

    Thank you kindly,

    Alex Thomson

  • Author
  • #240456

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Alex!

    The Botanicare PowerCloner 180 comes with the Botanicare Mag Drive 500 Submersible Pump. I contacted Hydrofarm (one of the distributors) and they had this to say about the PSI:

    The formula for converting head height ( shutoff height) to PSI is as follows:
    2.3 feet of head = 1psi

    Model 5:
    Shutoff height is 10 ½ feet according to our specs.
    Pressure is then 4.5 psi

    As for the misters, the Ez-Clone 360 misters are not compatible with Botanicare systems. It is possible for us to get you the proper misters the system though. I’m not sure as to what the droplet size is as that is not able to be measured, but I would assume it puts out a constant spray of water like the Ez-Clone misters.

    I hope this helps!

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