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  • liquid houseplant food

    Created by Hanne Michell on

    For years I have used Miracle-Gro Houseplant Food ( 8-7-6 ) it comes in an 8 oz bottle and I squeeze a certain amount of drops into my watering can……….. very easy and convenient and it works well for all my plants, however Miracle Gro have discontinued it.
    Does your company have a similar product ?.
    Thank you,
    Hanne Michell

  • Author
  • #213503

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Hanne –

    Unfortunately I do not know of ANY product with a squeeze top/dropper bottle you are describing. We do carry liquid solutions that would be a close match If you’d like to stick with a liquid, I’d recommend either Age Old Fish & Seaweed or Dr. Earth Liquid Solution. Both are going to be very close to your current nutrient ratio, and give specific directions and amounts to add to your water. A small pipette or eyedropper would work as a replacement for the squeeze bottle. Find both here:



    Hope this helps!

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