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  • Is Your Metal Polish Organic?

    Created by Cody Ennis on

    Hello, I am hoping you could provide me with an MSDS on the metal polish I see listed for $6.95. Is this product certified organic? Also, do you offer a cleaner for stainless steel which is certified organic? The product must be used on an organic distillery, so I would need a lot.

    Thank you,
    Cody Ennis

  • Author
  • #150977

    Eric Vinje

    Cody –

    I am not familiar with many manufactures that go through the organic certification process for cleaners. However, the ingredients in the metal polish are:

    Ingredients: Derived from glucose derivatives, fruit acids, vegetable oil compounds, lemon oil and diatomaceous earth.

    As for a stainless steel cleaner, many of our customers use the All-Purpose Cleaner by Biokleen.

    Ingredients: Surfactants from coconut and/ or corn, grapefruit seed and pulp extract, orange peel extract, linear sulfonate and filtered water.


    Hope this helps!

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