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  • Mealybug destroyers vs. Asian citrus psyllids

    Created by Isaac Foote on

    Hello! My name is Isaac and I do hope that I am communicating with the correct person based on the website titles. What I have is a bit of an odd situation wherein my lab is trying to raise one pest species and avoid raising the others. We are doing research with Asian Citrus psyllids and naturally these need to be reared on citrus and a few related species that are prone to mealybug infestations. We have a greenhouse we grow stock plants in that are later introduced to other grow rooms where the pysliids are maintained. We have been fighting the good fight with soap, manual treatment, etc, but upon learning of the mealybug destroyers there was, of course, a great deal of interest. Our concern though is that if these ever got into the pysllid colonies that they would turn their attention to the nymphs of the psyllids which rather strongly resemble scale insects. Was wondering if perhaps you might know anything about this? We already purchase predatory mites from your company and have been pleased with the results of those. Would there be any cross predation between the mites and the beetles? Thank you so much for any info or ideas you might have on this matter!


    Isaac Foote
    Lab Manager for Dr. Kirsten Pelz-Stelinski
    Building 7135 Room 28
    Citrus Research and Education Center
    700 Experimental Station Road
    Lake Alfred, FL 33850

  • Author
  • #151981

    Eric Vinje

    Isaac –

    The following is a response from our insectary concerning your Mealybug Destroyer questions:

    I have never heard of the Crypts eating predators. I don’t think it is likely to happen. As far as controlling psyllid nymphs, they should be able to eat them, although I don’t have any data to back it up. Let me know if you have any questions or need anything.

    Have a great day!



    The following is a response from our insectary concerning your Mealybug Destroyer

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