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  • Lycopodium fern propagation

    Created by Mltaddeo01 on

    Please advise me on the proper propagation medium for a lycopodium fern. A piece of my lycopodium broke off my plant (about 6″ long). I would like to save that piece and plant it. Please advise on the medium and method I should use.

  • Author
  • #224738

    Eric Vinje


    Lycopodium Ferns are quite the plant! However, there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of information on them as far as propagation goes. From what information I could find, I would suggest an orchid mix to try and get the roots going again.

    There is more information regarding how to propagate on this site here: https://anbg.gov.au/gnp/tassle-ferns/index.html. Unfortunately, that is all I could come up with, but I believe you’ll find it very helpful.

    Good luck!

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