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  • #201392
    Suraj Dave

    My lawn is grown on heavy clay with low organic matter that’sย alkaline. Will elemental sulfur help to reduceย soil pH? Also I have a ph meter. If the ph is known how much sulfur needs to be applied per 1000 squareย feet?

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Dave –

    For clay soils broadcast 30 lbs Elemental Sulfur per 1000 sq feet is recommended to drop the soil pH by one full unit (7 -> 6). I would recommend mixing it with compost or topsoil to help add organic matter to your soil. It should be noted that sulfur will take time to act, don’t expect your pH to drop overnight. Elemental sulfur will work quickest if incorporated to the soil, but can also be applied with a spreader on established lawns. Here’s a link:


    Happy Summer!

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