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  • Indoor potting soil and fertilizer recommendations

    Created by Tammy on


    I am looking for some potting soil and liquid fertilizer recommendations for my house plants. Hopefully some products that are easy to use.

    I have some jasmine vines, Christmas cactus, fiddle leaf fig tree, marginata and Hawaiian schefflera.

    Thanks for your help!


  • Author
  • #182459

    Eric Vinje

    Hello Tammy,

    I would recommend Buddha Grow and Buddha Bloom for your plants. This is an organic liquid fertilizer you mix with water, and what I personally use on all my indoor plants. Your plants shouldn’t need to be fed more than once a month. For soil, I would recommend either Black Gold Potting soil, or Roots Organic Potting soil. The latter drains better, but both are great.

    Hope this helps!

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