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  • Bugs on lily plants

    Created by Canada Girl on

    These red bugs multiply so fast, I can’t keep on top of squishing them (yuk!) I have no time. I am looking for a natural product… will the orange spray or garlic spray help? I want something to get ready for the spring. I have been all over the internet and it is suggested to use an oil and harsh additive. Not for me (if I can avoid it). Would like something to spray in the morning and forget about it. Any successes?

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  • #13985


    You should check out PlanetNatural.com and go to the Pest Problem Solver option. There are many different kinds of good and bad pests. First figure out what kind of bug it is and then check out the different options of getting rid of them.


    Eric Vinje

    Hello –

    There is a small (1/4″ – 1/2″), red bug with a voracious appetite known as the Lily Leaf Beetle. It attacks, as you might expect, lily leaves… but will also feed on the stems and flowers of the plant. I have suggested several least-toxic steps for controlling these little buggers below.

    • Handpick beetles in the early morning and toss them in a bucket filled with soapy water
    • Look for egg masses under leaves and crush them
    • Apply neem oil to plants on a regular basis. It will kill immature stages and has been shown to repel the adults.
    • Spinosad, the active ingredient in Monterey Garden Insect Spray, is effective against this pest.
    • If all else fails, reach for a broad spectrum organic insecticidal spray. Safer® Yard & Garden Insect Killer kills on contact, yet is gentle on plants.

    Hope this helps!

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