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  • Lawn not green

    Created by MW on

    Hello –

    Help! My lawn is not turning green. Nothing is working! I want to try an organic fertilizer, if possible. The lawn is approx. 1-1/2 years old and sitting on heavy clay soil. Someone recommended that I aerate the turf and we’ve used Scotts in the past.

    Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

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  • #13795

    Creating a good looking lawn using organic methods requires a few easy steps: First, stop using chemicals. You can't go half way. Chemicals can inhibit the growth of soil-enriching microorganisms that the lawn must have. Second, get a soil test done with your own kit or by cooperative extension. Grass likes a pH in the 6.5 range. Add lime as necessary. Third, overseed with new grass seeds formulated for your lawn. Next, let your grass grow 3 to 4 inches tall to promote deep roots and to prevent the growth of crab grass. Feed your lawn with natural organic fertilizer. Leave the grass clippings on the lawn after cutting with a mulching mower.



    Thanks for the info



    You’ll Fertilizing your lawn & Fertilizer spreader. It’s always best to fertilize your lawn after mowing and when the grass is dry. If the grass is wet, the fertilizer will stick to the blades and burn the lawn. The lawn mower can be one of the most neglected tools in the garden, and that’s pretty ironic when you consider it’s also one of the most expensive.



    Try to select a variety of grass seeds that will work best in your yard. Secondly, test your soil for nitrogen, phosphorus, pH levels and other elements with a soil test kit. Water your grass around the same time each morning. If you recently planted new seed, be sure to water it every day. The best time of the day to water your lawn is early in the morning. The water will be less likely to evaporate, and there are generally lower winds. Watering the grass in high wind can cause the grass to dry before the water penetrates the soil.

    I was also experiencing the same thing few months back, so a known landscaping firm: Orlando Greener told me that if you put a cup of Ammonia (nitrogen source) into a five gallon pail of water and a cup of epsom salts (magnesium sulfate), mix and throw it on your lawn with a cup it will make the grass greener. At to my surprise, the trick worked.

    Mow your lawn 1 day after watering.In the summer it is good to mulch the lawn (don’t vacuum up the grass) so that you can spend less on water. Aerate your lawn at least once in the spring and again in the fall for a green lawn. The process of aeration makes small holes in the surface of your lawn, allowing water, nutrients and air access to the roots. Aeration allows better drainage, which reduces runoff.


    Eric Vinje

    Check out our organic lawn care tips and tricks here!

    Aeration is key for a healthy lawn, make sure you are aerating your lawn at least once per year. Adding a liquid mixture of Magnesium Sulfate (epsom salts) and Nitrogen will also help to green up your lawn as well. The fertilizer mixture can be watered in by hand. Find them here!


    Hope this helps!

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