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  • Can ladybugs survive in cold weather?

    Created by Amanda Day on


    We have aphids and thrips taking over our Asian greens in our high tunnel. I’m wondering if it is an okay time of year to release ladybugs in there. We’re in Culpeper county VA, zone 7a. Nighttime temperatures are cold and have been in the mid twenties to upper thirties. It’s supposed to be 25 tomorrow night but then staying above freezing for the next week or so. We will also be putting row cover over the beds so they’ll be double covered and hopefully able to survive.


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  • #294435

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Amanda –

    Ladybugs in a high tunnel at those winter temperatures should be fine. Ladybugs can’t fly in cold temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit, so it may be best to get a larger quantity than you would originally need. When the temperatures get lower they will go into hibernation, but as it warms back up they will become more active and continue hunting for aphids. You may not see the same results that one would get in warmer temperatures, but as long as it stays warm enough for the ladybugs to crawl and hunt, you should see some action from them.

    Hope it helps!

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