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  • deer ticks

    Created by Geri Schlenoff on

    Hi, I just read an article about the use of Met52 to kill tick nymphs in my yard. I have lots of chipmunks and have learned they carry the ticks that carry the lyme disease. Could I spray this product on my yard, wooded area and kill deer ticks?

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  • #209567


    Met-52 will not harm your chipmunks, in fact it might help protect them from getting lymes disease as well! As Met-52 is only active for 5-7 days, it may be best to reapply every 5-10 days for best results. Keep in mind, Met-52 only attacks beetle larvae, as the exoskeleton of many insects are too hard for the fungus to penetrate.


    Eric Vinje

    Hi Geri –

    Met52 is no longer available. My understanding is that the product was too expensive to produce. As for controlling ticks without harming your chipmunks I recommend the following:

    • Keep grassy and weedy areas trimmed and remove wood piles to reduce harborage for tick hosts.
    • When entering infested areas, wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers with tight-fitting cuffs.
    • Wear light-colored clothing. Ticks are easier to see on a light background.
    • If the above methods are insufficient, use the Herbal Pet Collar or one of our other least-toxic products to protect dogs and cats.
    • For a quick knockdown, apply Safer Mosquito & Tick Killer to areas where pests may be hiding (product breaks down in 7-10 days).

    Tip: Frequent inspection and removal reduces the risk of disease transmission.

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