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  • Kid SAFE Liquid Fertilizer

    Created by Ryan Keefe on


    I am building a soccer field in my backyard. After preliminary research, I am looking for a liquid fertilizer that is incredibly safe for children and focuses on roots and growth. I could not care less about color or the green, I simply want a thick surface so I can cut regularly at a low length for a soccer field.

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  • #203088

    Eric Vinje

    Hi Ryan –

    Have I got a kid safe lawn food for you. Actually, I have two!

    My absolute favorite liquid fertilizer that we offer, out of 400 or so, is Neptune’s Harvest Fish and Seaweed. You can use this gentle, organic blend on just about anything, pretty much anytime! I like the product because it has a little more phosphorous than nitrogen to promote a strong root structure which it sounds like you’re looking for. Best of all, it’s safe to use around your pets, kids and bare feet.

    Available in a 32-oz spray, Dr. Earth Super Natural is also a good choice. This powerful concentrate provides a quick-release source of nutrients to build thick, green turf from the ground up. While it may contain more nitrogen than you’re looking for, it’s great for assisting seedlings and sod to become established. One bottle will cover 5,000 sq. ft.

    Hope this helps!

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