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  • Growing Vegetables at Correctional Facility

    Created by Anonymous on

    I’ve volunteered to create a garden at my job site, which is a correctional facility. I planned on planting tomatoes and cucumbers, but haven’t been able to decide on a third vegetable. I’ll be planting for bulk to supplement our facility kitchen. This garden will be in an untilled area of the prison and I’ll only be able to work the garden three times per week for about 1 hour sessions. I’m only a third year backyard gardener…HELP….what would be a good third vegetable to plant and any advice on keeping this simple, yet successful?

  • Author
  • #13933

    Tiger Lily

    What a great idea! There are lots of veggies that you could add. Beans, peas, and carrots are three that come to mind for you to add. Not only are they easy to grow, but they are easy to use in lots of recipes. I know that Planet Natural just added more seeds to there inventory that will give you a variety to choose from. Good luck and have fun!


    Eric Vinje

    Love it! But you gotta’ do peppers too, right? Also, we have all kinds of gardening information on the blog. Let me know if you need any help!


    Happy growing.

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