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- This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 2 months ago by .
Forcing Hyacinths to Bloom
Did anyone know that Hyacinths are the easiest flowers to force into blooms in pots? Just buy the bulbs in September or when you start to see them at the stores, put into a paper bag, write the date on the bag, close and set in your refrigerator. Ten weeks later plant one bulb to a pot, 4″ diameter pots, positioning the bulbs high so that their tops show at the soil end. Water well and place inside a bin or other container that’s buried in your leaf pile. Check after a month and bring indoors when fat leaf buds emerge. After a month in a cool, brightly lit room, each bulb will produce a beautiful bloom spike studded with fragrance to fill a room. Fertilize, water, leave on windowsill and then transplant in the spring. Voila! Early spring indoors.
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